Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Must Read Blog

I have shared with some of you a new blog (to me) that I happened to come across one day as I visited another also very good blog.  I have over the last week or so perused the writings of some of these LDS sisters and have felt the messages are profound and enlightening.  They seem to speak to me as a sister in the Relief Society would.  The sisters have passion and talent for writing.  What is also really nice is that they have related articles at the end and so if you haven't gotten enough of the one you just read you can read a couple more within relation to it.  The blog is called 'Segullah' and the address is http://segullah.org/
Check it out you won't be sorry.
The blog I jumped from was 'Mormon Mommy Wars' http://mormonmommywars.com/ also a good blog with several featured LDS authors and options to be a guest author (I think both do that).  This is the one I like to read too.  Some of the material can be a little snarky, but funny and true.  Honest in perspective to themselves and the pet peeves, joys, frustrations, passions of motherhood, and all the other topics the we as LDS women and mothers have to encounter.  I hope I am not leading you astray, they are not official LDS sites.  So beware, however, I do know that 'Segullah' is censored to some degree to not be offensive.  The introduction made me comfortable of that.
At any rate the topics that come up are some that would make for good conversation and discussion.
Happy reading,

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