Thursday, February 18, 2021

Discussion Night for The Lord of the Flies

 It was - 4 degrees the evening we enjoyed our book group discussion of The Lord of the Flies. Thankfully, the home of our book group host was toasty warm. Our numbers few, four! Our group like many things effected by the virus this last year has been hesitant to resume our meetings as often. There are always other reasons too, we are 'Busy Gals' as we call ourselves. We are literally busy in our lives even with the pandemic. We miss the members who can't make it but with four it still made an enjoyable conversation.

The Lord of the Flies takes place on a tropical island. A group of school boys with no adult supervision try to survive on an island. Some hoping for a speedy rescue while others seem exhilarated by the savage need for the hunt for meat. Another element is the boy's active imaginations of a beast on the island.  

We found the book to be more violent than any of us had remembered.

During this time of national unrest we found a political connection referring to the way the boys governed themselves. 

After enjoying a good discussion we watched the 1963 version of the movie.

Our next book selection will be Island of the Blue Dolphins.