Sunday, January 4, 2015

Little Women Book Discussion

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great Christmas holiday and are ready to get back to the regular everyday busy lives we all have when we aren't extra busy with holiday events.
Did that make sense? I hope so. I meant that we are all busy, hence the name of the book group and blog.
January 9th will be the next book discussion and it will be at my house. Please remind any book group members you see in case they are too busy to see this message or additional email that I might post.
I should require you all to come in period costume of Little Women. I think it would be fun to wear the big puffy bell shaped dresses. Where would we get them?  So I guess that is out of the question, this time.  Those dresses were probably thought of to prevent anyone from coming within two feet of a young lady.
We will eat of course and you can bring whatever you like to eat. If you found something mentioned in the book and want to try to make it be my guest. I love experiments.
I hope this night will still work for everyone. Please let me know so we can have a great discussion.
