Monday, September 23, 2019

Isn't the death of Anna's husband, Leon, tragic? He goes on a grueling tiger hunt in Singapore during the heat of the day, & then decides, against the advice of his companions, to hurry home in the heat to be with his wife (they told him it was too hot to travel; he needed to wait until the evening). Leon made it home to Anna, but then he collapsed and died. His deep love for his wife caused him to make a bad decision, & caused him his life. Today in the news (9/23/19), there was another true-life story of someone who loved his girlfriend so much that he undertook a dangerous stunt to propose marriage to his girlfriend, & did not survive. So sad then, so sad now! It's so tragic to hear that it can still happen in our day & age! ;

1 comment:

Kristine said...

I just read this part of the book yesterday. And then of course, all that happened to her after losing her husband! Thanks for posting that video Peggy Ann. It goes with the book perfectly.